For years, the fans had lost hope in Star Wars. With each new prequel always killing the fandom one movie at a time, the torture seemed to never end. People were worried over how much of their childhood had to be ruined to have Lucas stop the massacre he had brought to world of science fiction.

Luckily, Disney came to the rescue. Surprisingly, the monolithic corporation that continuously ruined Princess movies with terrible sequels seems to have a green thumb for prequels!

I am one with the Force, and the Force is one with me
Rogue One, A Star Wars Story, tells of Jyn, a bitter runaway who has been rescued by the Rebel Alliance for her relation with Saw Gerera, a dangerous man whom had just received the most important message from Jyn's father - the man who created the Death Star. One move leads to another, inspiring a small group of rogues from the Rebel Alliance to band together and send the blue prints of the Death Star across the know Galaxies. The challenge, though, is that it might just be their last mission.

Catch it now on Netflix! Whether you're new to the Star Wars universe, a veteran fan, or a casual movie goer, Rogue One is fun for all ages and definitely worth the watch!