Azure Lorica has been building its community through events and volunteer opportunities. We are a hub for filmmakers, actors, and many more. And due to the demand of our international network, we've built a program to sustain this growing need in our circle: introducing the Azure Lorica Film Club. Promoting the collected films and script readings from our festivals, while connecting everyone to more internships, gigs, and collaborations - all online!

To begin, we invite you to visit the website:

Once there, you may enjoy all the films available for online screening, in our festival collection. You can click on Join Our Club, located at the top menu, and find an array of job openings, announcements, and potential mentors. It is Azure Lorica's hope that this can help a new generation of filmmakers to learn and network with accomplished film groups in their area.

This is also a wonderful way for Azure Lorica to share nominees from past festivals. It is not the same prize as the FanFilm Awards - of a whole year's worth of Marketing Service - but rather more inclusive within Film Club. We welcome the public to share and share alike, and enjoy indie films-international!