When you try to find shows about mental health, addiction, and the demons we all fight everyday, not everyone thinks to connect these issues with Vampirism and many other paranormal stories. For those looking for a show that gets this problem we all suffer from, look no further. Forget Dr. Oz and Facebook, because Being Human is what it's all about. 

Meet Mitchell, a bipolar Vampire, a bit on the rough side, fighting the urge to drink blood daily; George, an insecure yet brilliant Werewolf; and Annie, a flighty, cheery, and dreamy ghost seeking to love again, before understanding why she died in the first place. Together, living under one roof, these three killer misfits try day to day to be as human as possible. From working as nurses at the local hospital, to helping others like themselves "sober up". The idea is hilarious, seeing as the theme never changes, but the thirst for blood, or running away from the moon seems to never end. But then, after a few episodes, the plot does start to unravel. These adventures reach critical levels of danger, mystery, and high altitudes of depth that too many people could relate to.

Regrettably, in 2007, people still knew or were experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol, and death personally, or through their friends. The topic was still hot, and no amount of guyliner and emo fringes could bleed like these bleeders. It hit home!

The story could've found its peace, if the plot hadn't taken a twist, and made it more about a prophecy than "being human". Perhaps it was the geek in the audience that demanded for more vampires and werewolves than drama about addiction and fitting in with your neighbors. The heartbreak couldn't sell by Season 4, so naturally, they dumped the misunderstood Gen Y rejects, and replaced them with the early Millennials. And yes, they did the transition a lot of justice: from the Chavs to the Nerds and Chaps, the atmosphere had a complete 180 degree revamp! It's debatable whether the story went down the loo with fanserve or did us a favor with relating with our current generation, like Dr. Who or James Bond. Whatever the case may be, the working class have their respective representatives, fighting the good fight in a world expecting less of oneself, and of their futures.

The conundrum that makes one hope for, though, is perhaps the legacy this show may have, due to the reach it has with fans of Vampires and the supernatural. The obvious downhill spiral of its original construct may have changed, but it can get better, if maybe a film was made from the same universe, or a cameo from the original cast would return, or other. It's not a terrible show, but it may have already reached a dreadful end. Much like the Office, and other original UK televisions shows, an American counterpart was made, and the brilliance of the undertone of this underground world looks too flashy to be proper. As most shows go in the US, sex sells without question. And alas, the mystery dies with these models building a life as the icons of model Americans in their twenty something crisis...

Call it what you will, the peak of this magnificent show had its time, and no one questions the age of the real audience this was made for. It's just rude! Maybe it's time to stop denying that Vampires don't really sell anymore, and move on. The trend died with Twilight, and there's no coming back from that.

Rest in peace, Being Human. I hope you didn't miss your door, when it came.